Venue: Informal Virtual Meeting - Accessible Remotely
Contact: Polly Dunn Email:
No. | Item |
Part 1 - Public Agenda |
Apologies |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda |
To receive the Terms of Reference of the Committee as set by the Court of Common Council on 4 March 2021. |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman in line with Standing Order 29. |
Election of Deputy Chairman To elect a Deputy Chairman in line with Standing Order 30. |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. |
Part 2 - Non-Public Agenda |
Note of inquorate meeting To receive the note of the informal, inquorate meeting held on 21 July 2021. |
Presentation - FCCRAS Procurement Stage 1 - Supplier down select recommendations Presentation from the Service Delivery Director. |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Committee agrees should be considered whilst the Public are Excluded |