Venue: Aldermen's Court Room, Mezzanine Floor, West Wing, Guildhall
Contact: Gemma Stokley Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Alderman Sir William Russell (Deputy Chairman), Alderman Nick Anstee, Alderman Baroness Scotland, Alderman Sir Andrew Parmley. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on the Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
City & Guilds Presentation - Kirstie Donnelly Kirstie Donnelly to provide an update to the Committee on the work of the City & Guilds Group. Minutes: Kirstie Donnelly MBE, Group Chief Executive of City & Guilds Group addressed the meeting on the work of City & Guilds London Institute, its purpose and aims which was essentially still centred around jobs and skills and ensuring that the economy and individuals could prosper.
Aldermen were handed copies of the ‘Great Jobs’ publication launched just last week and which Ms Donnelly highlighted had received much media coverage as well as coverage amongst government and stakeholders. She went on to report that the publication attempted to address the oxymoron that had emerged from the recent pandemic in that there were many jobs available but without people to fill these roles and attempted to explore why this may be the case. Ms Donnelly explained the important role that City & Guilds played not just in delivering training, apprenticeships and skills and qualifications but also in campaigning for everything around what good, lifelong learning and a skills education strategy should look like.
She went on to underline that skills were just as important today as when City & Guilds had been founded in 1878 and that they did make a material difference to the economy. It was highlighted that some of the same economic challenges faced in the second industrial revolution were similar to those being faced today. Ms Donnelly referred to the City & Guilds College which became the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Corps of Imperial College and which the City had helped create as well as the City & Guilds Art School that trained students to world-class standards in applied arts such as stone masonry and the significant work undertaken to set up one of the examination boards – AQA which were all part of the organisation’s legacy and past but which were all still very much flourishing today. These days, the Committee were informed that |
To approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 7 December 2021. Minutes: The Committee considered the minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 7 December 2022.
The Chairman took this opportunity to congratulate Alderman Prem Goyal on joining the Court of the World Traders and on becoming a Senior Advisor on India to IBDE’s Economic and Commercial Diplomacy Advisory Group.
Matters Arising Electoral Registration and Deadline for Entry onto Ward lists – The Chairman remarked that all should now have received their respective Ward lists.
Draft Bill for an Act of Common Council – The Chairman reported that the draft Bill had now had its first and second reading at the Court’s last meeting and would come forward in March for its third and final reading. This concerned Presiding Officers at City elections. Whilst there had initially been some discussion as to the Bill also addressing eligibility to be an Alderman, the Chairman clarified that this was not now covered in the Bill that was currently progressing. He therefore asked that the Remembrancer and the Comptroller and City Solicitor update the Committee on progress on this particular matter. The Comptroller reported that the intention was for he and the Remembrancer to bring forward a joint paper to the Policy and Resources Committee on this matter and that they would also consult further on this with the Alderman who had initially queried this point and sharing the paper with the wider Committee. The Chair questioned whether this meant that the matter could be dealt with in a draft Bill that could have its first and second reading at the March meeting of the Court of Common Council and its third reading in April given that it would impact upon the timetable of any future Aldermanic elections and that the April Court was likely to be a |
Committee Appointments 2022/2023 PDF 316 KB To approve the Aldermanic nominations for appointments onto the City Corporation’s committees in 2022/2023. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning nominations for the appointment of Aldermen on City of London Corporation Committees for 2022/23 as of 21st April 2022.
The Chairman explained that 2022/23 was a slightly unusual year in terms of appointments in that the Governance Review would see a number of changes such as the abolition of the Markets Committee as a Ward Committee meaning that there would be no automatic spaces on this for Aldermen in the same way that there had been previously. A number of changes to those elected to serve on the Court of Aldermen were also anticipated later this year which might necessitate further changes to the proposals set out here in due course.
It was noted that Appendix B would need to be updated following the meeting.
Resolved: - That the Aldermen:
i) Approve the nominations set out in the report and authorise their submission to the Court of Common Council at its meeting on 21st April 2022, excluding the appointments to the Honorable Irish Society which will be settled on 10th March 2022; and ii) Delegate authority to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen to approve any necessary revisions to the list of appointments.
Appointment - Bridewell Royal Hospital To consider the appointment of an Alderman to fill the vacancy due to arise on Bridewell Royal Hospital in March 2022. Minutes: The Committee considered the appointment of an Alderman to fill the vacancy due to arise on Bridewell Royal Hospital in 2022.
The Chairman commented that this might be a good opportunity for a junior Alderman to join the governing body of King Edward’s School Whitley.
Two Aldermen currently serving on the body, one as Vice Chairman commented that it might be preferable to reconsider this appointment in September 2022 given the number of impending Aldermanic elections this year.
Resolved :- That the appointment be reconsidered following the outcome of this year’s Aldermanic elections.
Review of Waiver for Guilds and Livery Companies - Conduct of Virtual Business PDF 94 KB A report of the Town Clerk relative to the conduct of virtual business by Livery Companies and Guilds.
To agree and to make recommendation thereon to the Court of Aldermen. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk relative to the conduct of virtual business by Livery Companies and Guilds.
The Chairman explained that this was around extending the ability of Livery Companies and Guilds to meet in a hybrid fashion previously granted to them by the Court of Aldermen. He highlighted that the current permissions expired on 31 March 2022 and that proposals were now such that this should be extended to 31 October 2022.
The Chairman of the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee underlined that this was a temporary extension and that the Sub-Committee were therefore looking at whether a more permanent arrangement with the Liveries needed to be considered. They intended to consult with the Livery Committee on this matter.
Another Alderman suggested that there may be a degree of urgency around the need for a more permanent solution given that many were keen to see these arrangements which had worked successfully to date continue without restriction.
Resolved: - That:
i) insofar as the Ordinances or By-Laws of any Company with Livery, Company without Livery or Guild contain restrictive or prescriptive provisions as to the location and timing of any meeting, election, installation or admission of any members or officers, the Court of Aldermen agrees to allow any reasonable variation to such provisions, to be determined by the Guild or Livery company concerned and to be valid until 31 October 2022;
ii) in particular, procedures adopted on the occasion of the binding of apprentices may be conducted virtually, subject to the requirement for the indentures to be entered within six months of the decision being taken in the Books of the Chamberlain of London;
iii) the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen review the decision in due course and consider the future position in respect of the conduct |
Amendment to the Court of Aldermen's Standing Orders PDF 288 KB A report of the Town Clerk in respect of a change to the Court of Aldermen’s Standing Orders.
To agree and to make recommendation thereon to the Court of Aldermen. Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning proposed amendments to the Court of Aldermen’s Standing Orders, specifically SO 33, 35 and 36 to reflect current practice in terms of the administrative process in relation to Aldermanic attendance at the Judges’ lunches at the Central Criminal Court.
The Chairman reported that there were now also proposals around amending SO20. Whilst a quorum of three members was felt to be appropriate for this Committee, the Aldermen were of the view that the quorum for the Nominations Committee ought to be thirteen members (i.e. a simple majority of the Court of Aldermen). It was agreed that this be inserted as SO20a.
It was also agreed that SO17 whereby the Chairman, or in their absence the Deputy Chairman of each of the standing Committees, had a casting vote should apply to this Committee only but was not appropriate procedurally for the Nominations Committee where, in practice, lots ought to be drawn in the event of a tied vote.
Discussion around this point ensued and it was highlighted that the Chairman or Deputy Chairman were not obliged to exercise their casting vote and could also choose not to exercise it immediately choosing to opt for a second, confirmatory vote amongst the Committee first for example.
With regard to SO 33 it was agreed that the words ‘a sitting’ be removed. It was also suggested that reference to needing to attend ‘at least one day each month’ reflected the old system and that it should now therefore read ‘at least one day every five weeks’.
Finally, it was agreed that the document should no longer refer to junior and senior Aldermen but instead to Aldermen past the Chair and those below the Chair.
Resolved: - That the proposed revisions to the Court of |
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions.
Xxx questions had been received. |
Any Other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent Minutes: There was no other business.
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: Resolved:- That, in accordance with the Court of Aldermen’s Disclosure Arrangement (Standing Order 25), the public shall be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen have determined, having had due regard to the Disclosure Arrangement, that disclosure should not be permitted.
Non-Public Minutes To approve the non-public minutes of the previous meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 7 December 2021. Minutes: The Committee considered the non-public minutes of the last meeting of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen held on 7th December 2021. |
Non-Public Outstanding Actions List To note the non-public outstanding actions in respect of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen’s work programme.
Outstanding Actions list to follow Minutes: The Committee considered the late, separately circulated Non-Public Outstanding Actions List which had been updated since the last meeting on 7th December 2021. |
Minutes - Magistracy and Livery Sub (General Purposes) Committee To note the minutes of the previous meeting of the Magistracy and Livery Sub (General Purposes) Committee held on 16 December 2021. Minutes: The Committee received the minutes of the previous meeting of the Magistracy and Livery Sub (General Purposes) Committee held on 16 December 2021. |
Amendment to Terms of Reference - Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee A report of the Town Clerk relative to revisions to the terms of reference of the Magistracy and Livery Sub-Committee.
To agree and make recommendation thereon to the Court of Aldermen. Minutes: The Committee considered and approved a report of the Town Clerk and Chief Executive concerning revisions to the Magistracy and Livery Sub (General Purposes) Committee’s Terms of Reference.
Lord Mayor's Show - update The Chair of the Lord Mayor’s Show Ltd to be heard. Minutes: The Chair of the Lord Mayor’s Show Ltd was heard. |
United Guilds Donation 2022 The Remembrancer to be heard. Minutes: The Remembrancer was heard relative to the United Guilds donation for 2022. |
Forthcoming Events To note the lists of forthcoming events and hospitality to be managed by the Events Teams at Mansion House and Guildhall (Remembrancer’s Department). Minutes: The Committee noted the lists of forthcoming events and hospitality to be managed by the Events Teams at Mansion House and Guildhall (Remembrancer’s Department). |
Non-Public Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions.
Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent and which the Committee agrees should be considered whilst the Public are Excluded Minutes: With the Chairman’s consent, two items of urgent business was considered whilst the public were excluded.
CONFIDENTIAL ITEM: UPDATE ON PROPOSALS FOR THE ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN OF THE OFFICE OF THE LORD MAYOR AND MANSION HOUSE The Chairman to be heard. Minutes: The Chairman was heard relative to a confidential matter. |