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No. | Item |
APOLOGIES Minutes: |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 21 February 2023.
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered the public minutes of the last meeting held on 21 February 2023 and approved them as a correct record.
Matters Arising A Member requested that the conduct of debate should also extend to those making representations and that it be recognised that objectors were often residents without knowledge of planning law. The Chairman stated that it was important the Sub-Committee’s scrutiny was thorough and that Members challenged Officers, applicants and objectors equally on planning considerations.
85 Gracechurch Street PDF 5 MB Report of the Planning & Development Director. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Planning and Development Director concerning partial demolition of existing building (Gracechurch Street frontage adapted) and the erection of a 32 storey (155.70m AOD) building plus basement levels including office use (Class E(g)(i)); flexible retail use (Class E(a), Class E(b), drinking establishments and hot food takeaway); Public Hall (sui generis); and Heritage Garden and Cultural Space at level 5 (sui generis), with cycle parking, servicing, refuse and plant areas, public realm improvements and other works associated with the development including access and highways works.
The Town Clerk referred to those papers set out within the main agenda pack as well as the Officer presentation slides, and two addenda containing additional/late representations plus amended conditions that had been separately circulated and published.
Officers presented the application, explaining that the site was bounded by Gracechurch Street to the west and Leadenhall Market to the north-east and south-east and by Bull’s Head Passage to the south. It was located within the Leadenhall Market Conservation Area and was bounded to the north-east and south-east by Grade 2* listed market buildings as well as the Grade 2 listed buildings 81-82 Gracechurch Street. Further to the east, there was the Grade 1 listed Lloyd’s Building and to the west there was Bank Conservation Area and its listed buildings. The application site was also within the City Cluster Policy Area which was the City’s outlet for strategic growth.
Members were shown a visual of the proposal in the cumulative scenario of existing, under construction and consented schemes. Members were informed that 1 Leadenhall was currently under construction and had a height of approximately 180m. To the south was the consented 70 Gracechurch Street which was 155m in height. The proposal being considered was for a tower of 155m.
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* VALID PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY DEPARTMENT OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT PDF 80 KB Report of the Planning & Development Director. Minutes: The Sub-Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailing development and advertisement applications determined by the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director or those so authorised under their delegated powers since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
* DELEGATED DECISIONS OF THE CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PDF 139 KB Report of the Planning & Development Director. Minutes: The Committee received a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director detailing development applications received by the Department of the Built Environment since the report to the last meeting.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE SUB-COMMITTEE Minutes: Bury House - A Member asked if an application had been submitted for Bury House. An Officer stated that no application had yet been submitted and it was understood that the developers were undertaking public engagement in advance of submitting an application. The Officers stated that Members would be informed once an application was submitted.
ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT THE CHAIRMAN CONSIDERS URGENT Minutes: Site Visits and Planning Applications Sub-Committee Meeting Cancellation The Chairman advised that Members would be attending a site visit to the Lloyds of London Building. He also advised that Planning Applications Sub-Committee scheduled for 20 April would be cancelled and it was likely that site visits would be arranged on that day to the Roman Wall remains at 35 Vine Street and also 8 Bishopsgate.
Bhakti Depala, Head of Planning Delivery – One of Planner Magazine’s Women of Influence 2023 The Chairman reported that Bhakti Depala, Head of Planning Delivery, had been selected by the Planner Magazine as one of its Women of Influence for 2023. He informed Members that judges said Bhakti was “an inspiration to all she works with” and acted as “the vital strategic link” between City Corporation officers, developers, politicians and others, working on major high-profile developments. They also referenced her Hindi-language video championing Planning, which is the most popular on the City Corporation’s YouTube channel, and her work on streamlining and innovating how the team works. They concluded, Bhakti “goes above and beyond to support, mentor and develop team members” and “exudes infectious positivity, enthusiasm and dynamism.” On behalf of the Sub-Committee, the Chairman congratulated Bhakti.