Venue: City of London School for Girls - ST GILES TERRACE, BARBICAN, EC2Y 8BB
Contact: Paige Upchurch Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia, Rehana Ameer, Professor John Betteridge, Deputy Roger Chadwick, Dr Stephanie Ellington, Elizabeth Phillips, Deputy Richard Regan and Ian Seaton. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations of interest.
XXX declared an interest in item XXX by virtue of XXX |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 10 October 2017. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2017 are approved as an accurate record. |
Appointments to Sub Committees and Working Parties The Town Clerk to be heard. Minutes: Governors received an updated list of current vacancies from the Town Clerk. · Alderman David Graves and Ann Holmes put themselves forward for the Bursary Committee. · Sir Michael Snyder and Randall Anderson put themselves forward for the Reference Sub Committee. · The Chairman informed the Governors about a possible replacement governor, Sohu Gawalli. The Headmistress endorsed this candidate and commented that she is a previous parent of the school, she has Chaired the Friends Committee, has proved fantastic at foreseeing the strategic needs of the school. She can bring to the Board a love for the school and fundraising experience. · Professor John Betteridge has confirmed that he is stepping down as Governor on the grounds of his health. The Chair understands his decision and gives thanks for his long-term commitment and service to the school. He will formally resign from his post in the next board meeting. · Mary Robey has confirmed that she will be standing down from Easter, after the next board meeting. The Chair gives thanks to Mary Robey for her tremendous contribution to the school and notes that she made a huge difference to the School during her time on the board. · A Governor commented that when considering the replacements to the board, previous students of the school should be considered. The Chair mentioned that educationalists are to be considered as priority and another member commented on the benefits of having new Governors with planning or architectural skills, due to the ongoing expansion plans. · The Chairman welcomed Rehana Ameer to the Board.
RESOLVED: That Alderman Graves and Ann Holmes are appointed to the Bursary Committee.
That Sir Michael Snyder and Randall Anderson are appointed to the Reference Sub Committee.
That consideration of Sohu Gawalli as a replacement Governor is approved.
General Data Protection Regulation - Impact for the City of London School for Girls PDF 92 KB Report of the Headmistress
Minutes: Governors considered a report of the Headmistress regarding data protection and General Data Protection Regulation. |
Designated Officer Annual Report for 2016 to 2017 PDF 108 KB Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services regarding referrals to the local Designated Officer.
· The Headmistress informed the Governors that the school do not report often to the Designated Officer because the majority of girls do not live in the City of London and concerns are therefore reported to their local Councils. The School still have a close working relationship with the Designated Officer and regularly talk on the phone. · A Governor commented that the School should take a ‘over reporting better than under reporting’ approach regarding. |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED - That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2017. Minutes: The non-public minutes of the meeting of 10 October 2017 were approved as an accurate record. |
Draft Minutes of the Academic Working Party Meeting - 28 September 2017 To receive the draft minutes of the Academic Working Party meeting held on 28 September 2017. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 28 September 2017 were noted |
Draft Minutes of the 125th Anniversary Working Party Meeting - 31 October 2017 To receive the draft minutes of the 125th Anniversary Working Party Meeting held on 31 October 2017. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of 31 October 2017 were noted. |
Annual Waivers Report 2016/17 Report of the Chamberlain. Minutes: Governors considered a report of Chamberlain regarding applications for waivers |
Report of the Headmistress Report of the Headmistress. Minutes: The Board considered and approved the report of the Headmistress which provided information of non-public matters in relation to the School. |
City of London School for Girls Expansion Options - Feasibility Study Report of the Headmistress.
Minutes: Governors agreed to vary the order of items on the agenda so that Item 17 (City of London School for Girls Expansion Options) was considered next.
Governors considered a report of the Headmistress regarding the options proposed for the expansion of the school. |
Gateway 6 Issue Report - City of London School for Girls Refurbishment Programme: Phase 2 - update; and Phase 3- seeking approval of scope for works Report of the Headmistress. Minutes: Governors considered a report from the Headmistress regarding the Refurbishment Programme.
Sir Michael Snyder left at this point of the meeting. |
City of London School for Girls Building Strategy Report of the Headmistress Minutes: Governors considered a report of the Headmistress. |
Proposed Revenue Budget 2018/19 Joint report of the Headmistress and Chamberlain. Minutes: Governors considered a report of the Headmistress and the Chamberlain |
Repairs, Maintenance & Improvements Fund Joint report of the Headmistress, Chamberlain and City Surveyor. Minutes: Governors considered a report of the Headmistress, the Chamberlain and the City Surveyor regarding the fund for future repairs, maintenance and improvements. |
Fundraising Strategy Progress Report Report of the Headmistress. Minutes: Governors noted a report of the Headmistress. |
Report on Outreach Initiatives by the City of London School for Girls Report of the Headmistress. Minutes: Governors noted a report of the Headmistress. |
City of London School for Girls Management Information Dashboard Joint report of the Chamberlain and Bursar. Minutes: Governors noted a report of the Chamberlain and the Bursar. |
Non-Public Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent and which the Board Agrees should be Considered whilst the Public are Excluded Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Confidential - Draft Minutes of the Academic Working Party Meeting held on 28 September 2017 To receive the draft confidential minutes of the Academic Working Party Meeting held on 28 September 2017. [CIRCULATED SEPERATELY ON BLUE PAPER]. Minutes: Governors received the minutes. |