Venue: Committee Rooms, West Wing, Guildhall, EC2P
Contact: Alistair MacLellan Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Rehana Ameer, Tijs Broeke, Dr Stephanie Ellington, Soha Gawaly, Deputy Roger Chadwick, Deputy James Thomson and Alderman William Russell.
The Town Clerk reported that Deputy Robert Merrett had not received a dispensation from the Standards Committee which meant that due to the conflict arising from having a child at the School, he would have to be replaced as a Governor on the Board.
The Chairman stated that Dr Ellington’s husband was ill and the Board recorded its best wishes to him for a speedy recovery.
The Chairman congratulated Alderman Emma Edhem attending in her new capacity as Aldermen and welcomed Mary Ireland to her first meeting. |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 18 June 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 June 2018 be approved as an accurate record. |
Report of the Headmistress PDF 59 KB Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls. Minutes: The Board considered the report of the Headmistress which listed forthcoming events and educational visits, and covered Governors’ visiting days, school development, health and safety destinations of the 2018 leavers, 2018 gap years and lettings.
The Headmistress drew attention to visits to the school by Governors and stated that Deputy Head (Pastoral), Mrs K Brice, should be contacted.
RESOLVED – That: (1) the report be noted; (2) Ann Holmes be appointed the health and safety representative, and (3) Mary Ireland be appointed to serve on the Academic Working Party. |
Joint Report of the Chamberlain and the Bursar. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board considered a report of The Chamberlain which provided the City of London Corporation’s Risk Matrix and a key risks register for the school’s Bursary Fund, incorporating the school’s Scholarships and Prizes Fund.
Reference was made to the loss of key staff but the Board was satisfied that sufficient measures were in place to counter balance the risk this posed.
RESOLVED – That the register be confirmed as satisfactorily setting out the risks facing the charity and that appropriate measures are in place to mitigate the risks. |
Report of the Chamberlain. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a report of The Chamberlain which provided the Draft Annual Report and Financial Statements 2017/18 for the school’s Bursary Fund and Scholarships and Prizes Fund.
RESOLVED – That the draft Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2018 be received. |
Revenue Outturn 2017/18 PDF 85 KB Joint Report of the Chamberlain and the Headmistress. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of The Chamberlain and Headmistress presenting the Revenue Outturn for 2017/18. The Chamberlain pointed out the relatively minor variation in the outturn for income and expenditure of £29,000. The Bursar reported that the main reason for the increase in expenditure was additional support service costs. In light of an understanding that all support services provided by the City of London Corporation should be cost neutral to the school, it was requested that an explanation be provided in due course as to why some services were accounted for outside of City Support.
It was noted that the tuck shop and vending machine had come in £17,000 less than budgeted although this was partially offset by the savings on purchase of supplies so the overspend only amounted to about £9,000. The school was asked to monitor the contract to see if the reduced use of the service was the start of a trend.
RESOLVED – That the Revenue Outturn report be noted. |
Guidance for Extra Duties for Teaching Staff PDF 85 KB Report of the Director of Human Resources. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report of the Director of HR which outlined the City of London Corporation’s guidance on the process of how teaching staff in the three City schools were selected to carry out duties outside their substantive role, with or without an allowance.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board Minutes: Deputy Tom Hoffman had given notice that he wished to raise a question regarding the treatment of benefactions. He explained that the capital from a past benefaction providing two scholarships in the names of the benefactor’s daughters had been spent and consequently the names were now not mentioned. He felt this was unfair and needed looking into in advance of the school’s 125th anniversary when other benefactions might be sought. The Bursar undertook to discuss the matter further with Deputy Hoffman. |
Any other business that the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: There were none. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act. |