Venue: Committee Room, St Anne's & St Andrew's Church, 125 Salusbury Road, London, NW6 6RG
Contact: David Arnold Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Neil Nerva (London Borough of Brent), Councillor Eleanor Southwood (London Borough of Brent), and Paul Stratton (Local Schools Liaison). |
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: Ann Holmes declared a non-pecuniary interest in any discussions relating to the Queen’s Park Café as she knew the owner personally. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 19 November 2014. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the previous meeting be agreed as a correct record, subject to the following addition:-
A Member noted that Committee lunches at Guildhall Club were not paid for through the City of London Corporation’s operational budget and that this should be specified in the minutes.
Matters Arising
Additional Group Membership The Queen’s Park Manager advised local Residents’ Associations and the Transition Town Kensal to Kilburn group had been invited to attend the last two Group meetings but they were unable to attend, possibly due to the timing of the meetings in the middle of the week. It was agreed that the Park Manager would circulate the minutes of each meeting once they had been published and the local groups could contact him or the Town Clerk with any enquiries arising.
Events In response to a Member’s question, the Park Manager advised that he and a representative from the Queen’s Park Residents’ Association recently visited a local brewery that were keen to support a Beer and Pie festival held at the Park. He added that external companies did exist to organise events such as these but employing one would reduce income generation.
Members expressed their concern that the festival should be family and food oriented and were mindful that external companies did not cause damage or mess in the Park. The Park Manager advised that an external company would be charged to set up a base area and would have to pay security deposit to hold against any necessary maintenance following the festival. The Park Manager would carry out a benchmarking exercise and quotes would be obtained shortly.
Superintendent's Update Report Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The Group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided an update on operational and management activities and the achievements of the Queen’s Park Team since the last meeting in November 2014. The Park Manager provided updates on the following matters:
Budget £332,000 of savings had been identified across Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park in 2015/16, as part of the Service Based Review proposals. Savings were being addressed through eleven programmes that focussed on specific areas. At Queen’s Park, income generation at the Children’s Farm would be reviewed as part of the Learning and Development programme and an online tennis court booking system would be considered as part of the Sports programme. A further update would be provided at the next Group meeting.
Café The current three year Café lease was due to expire later this year. A meeting to discuss the procedure for tendering would take place shortly but there was already plenty of interest from several parties. The Park Manager would be advertising the tender in local and specialist media after consultation with the City of London Procurement Service.
Licensed Events The Nomad outdoor cinema would be returning for four film screenings across August and September, which would provide useful additional income.
In response to a Member’s question, the Park Manager advised that a template had been produced by the Comptroller and City Solicitor’s Department for the introduction of charges to commercial activities. The regular football coach had been made aware that a charge would be imposed from July or August 2015.
Ecology and Environment The London Borough of Brent (LBB) was no longer in a position to remove green waste from Queen’s Park, having reduced the number of vehicles in their fleet that managed this operation. The Park Supervisor was working with |
Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The Group considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that sought Member’s views regarding the opportunity to generate future income by permitting the use of the Queen’s Park Bandstand for Marriage and Civil Partnership ceremonies, subject to the approval of the LBB.
The Group were widely supportive of the proposals to introduce Marriage and Civil Ceremonies at the Bandstand. Members noted the success since the introduction of ceremonies at the Hill Garden and Pergola at Hampstead Heath. In addition, it was advocated that ceremonies should not be limited to 25 attendees; members suggested that 40-50 guests could be seated within the fenced area surrounding the Bandstand. The Superintendent added that the number of guests would be discussed with couples on a case by case basis. The trial period would also enable staff to gauge an appropriate maximum number of attendees in due course.
In response to members’ questions, the Park Manager advised that other activities available in the Park, such as Pitch and Putt and tennis, would continue whilst ceremonies took place and amplified music would not be permitted. In response to a further question from the Chairman, he added that a track-way for disabled guests to access the Bandstand would be installed on the day of each ceremony if necessary.
RESOLVED – That the proposal to apply for a Marriage Licence, subject to the approval of the LBB, to use the Queen’s Park Bandstand as a venue for weddings and civil ceremonies, presenting a new opportunity to generate future income, be noted and endorsed by the Queen’s Park Joint Consultative Group.
Update on Tree Safety Management at the North London Open Spaces Division Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: The Group received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that provided an update on Tree Safety Management across the North London Open Spaces Division, including Queen’s Park.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
The State of UK Public Parks 2014 Report of the Director of Open Spaces. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Group received a report of the Director of Open Spaces regarding the issues relevant to the Division in managing and supporting green spaces across London.
Members were advised that the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee were in favour of appointing from amongst those members of the Queen’s Park Joint Consultative Group who were elected local Ward Councillors as Park Champion(s).
RESOLVED – That Councillor James Denselow (London Borough of Brent) be appointed as the Park Champion for Queen’s Park. |
Questions Minutes: Members congratulated all staff for the impressive condition and cleanliness of the Park. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Chairman advised the Group that Paul Stratton (Local Schools Liaison) was no longer a Governor at Malorees School and would therefore be standing down from the Group. Members thanked Paul Stratton for his valued contribution to the Queen’s Park Joint Consultative Group during his many years as a member. |
Date of Next Meeting To note the date of the next meeting to be held on 18 November 2015. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the date of the next meeting, to be held on Wednesday 18 November 2015, be noted. |