Venue: Education Centre, Parliament Hill Fields, Hampstead Heath, NW5 1QR
Contact: Committee & Member Services, Town Clerk's Department
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Members declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2013 (to follow separately). Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 11th March 2013 were tabled.
RESOLVED:- That consideration of the minutes of the last meeting on 11th March 2013 be deferred to the next meeting. |
Reports of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath:- Minutes: |
Hampstead Heath Ponds Project - Assessment of the Design Flood PDF 99 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath relative to the results of the first major task undertaken by the Design Team in relation to the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project.
The Committee is asked to consider and comment on the outcome of the Design Flood assessment.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath introduced the report before the Committee relative to the results on the first major task undertaken by the Design Team in relation to the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project and the Fundamental Review of the basis for the whole project. The report before Members set out the details of the Design Flood assessment and Members views were sought thereon.
Following an earlier presentation to the Heath Ponds Project Stakeholder Group by Dr Andy Hughes (Panel Engineer on the Fundamental Review) on 18th March 2013, written queries in respect of technical aspects of the project were submitted to Atkins. An updated list of questions was tabled to Committee Members and further questions were invited by no later than the evening of Wednesday, 10th April 2013. The Committee noted that following submission to Atkins, responses would be provided in advance of the special meeting of the Hampstead Heath Management Committee on 29th April 2013.
Ian Harrison (Vale of Health Society and Chairman of the Stakeholder Group) updated the Committee about the Stakeholder Group’s progress to date. He felt that the group was now working well and, even before seeing Atkins’ new, lower, flood projections, had a good prospect of reaching consensus on at least the majority of key issues. The new flood assessment was very encouraging but Stakeholder Group Members felt that a face-to-face meeting with Atkins was vital if full confidence was to be established that the revised assessment was soundly based. Such a meeting was offered for April but might now be deferred to May but this was not deemed to be acceptable. More generally, if the Stakeholder Group was to be able to inform to a great degree the deliberations and discussions of the Consultative Committee, it was essential (not least in |
Provisional Annual Works Programme 2014/15 PDF 101 KB A report of the City Surveyor setting out a provisional list of cyclical projects being considered for Hampstead Heath in 2014/15, under the umbrella of the “additional works programme.” The draft cyclical project list for 2014/15 totals approximately £0.78m and if approved, will continue the momentum that has seen a significant improvement in the maintenance of the property and infrastructure assets.
That the Consultative Committee’s views are sought on the provisional list of works.
Additional documents: Minutes: Simon Lee (Superintendent, Hampstead Heath) introduced a report before Members relative to a provisional list of cyclical projects being considered for Hampstead Heath in 2014/15 under the umbrella of the “additional works programme.” The Committee was advised that the draft cyclical project list for 2014/15 totalled approximately £0.67m for Hampstead Heath, as opposed to the figure of £0.78m specified in the report and which included Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park.
Richard Litherland (City Surveyor's Department) invited the Committee to comment on the proposed list ahead of submission through the usual decision-making channels. He advised that the list reflected cyclical maintenance rather than improvement works and had been informed by a sound dialogue with the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath in order to maintain a collaborative approach to undertaking works on the Heath. In respect of some of the proposed works, it was noted that further work had been proposed at the Lido and the Athletics Pavilion, as well as a more strategic approach to footpath works.
In response to a question concerning funding of the proposed cyclical and major works at the Lido, Richard Litherland explained that the works were funded through different streams and that as the funding programme was reducing in scale, future funding constraints were likely to have a longer term impact on the volume of works that could be undertaken.
Following a query about how works were prioritised, the Committee was advised that a range of criteria were used to determine priority such as whether or not a building was Listed, when work had last been undertaken and how urgent works were. In respect of other issues such as the Pergola, whilst the Masterplan set out a phased approach to the works, the bid in the additional works programme would release money so that additional works could |
Questions Minutes: There were none. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Lord Mayor’s Tree Party The Chairman referred to the Lord Mayor’s forthcoming tree party at The Mansion House on 25th June 2013, in aid of the Lord Mayor’s Appeal. An event flyer was tabled by way of further information about the fundraising event.
Deputy Chairman’s last meeting, Deputy Michael Welbank The Committee noted that this would be Deputy Welbank’s last meeting in his capacity as Deputy Chairman of the Consultative Committee. The Chairman commented on Deputy Welbank’s life-long interest and love of Hampstead Heath and thanked him, on behalf of the Committee, for his valuable contributions throughout his 6 years’ service as Chairman and Deputy Chairman. In closing, the Chairman wished Deputy Welbank well for the future and in his new role as Chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee. |
Date of next meeting The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee will take place on 8th July 2013 at 7.00pm. Minutes: The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee will take place on 8th July 2013. |