Venue: Parliament Hill Conference Room, Parliament Hill Staff Yard, Parliament Hill Fields, Hampstead Heath, NW5 1QR
Contact: Leanne Murphy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Anne Fairweather, Ray Booth, Cindy Galvin, Dr Gaye Henson, Ellen Solomons, Ellin Stein and Richard Sumray. |
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 9 July 2018. Minutes: The public minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2018 were approved as a correct record subject to the addition of “and moths” to bullet three under Item 10 noted by a Member.
A Member noted that it was previously agreed that whilst Member’s would not be named in minutes, their society would be reflected. The Town Clerk agreed to go back to this style of minuting. |
Report of the Town Clerk. Minutes: Members noted the various outstanding actions and the update provided thereon.
The Chairman advised that all actions were complete/covered on the agenda excepting Action 1 to identify a representative to represent people with a physical disability which was still being progressed by the Superintendent and Town Clerk. It was noted that the Chairman and Superintendent had a meeting with representatives from Mencap to discuss whether Barnet was too far from Hampstead Heath to be representative. The Superintendent advised that options looking at disability as a whole were being considered in the Camden area, but that Members were welcome to make suggestions.
MINUTES OF THE HAMPSTEAD HEATH, HIGHGATE WOOD AND QUEEN'S PARK COMMITTEE PDF 90 KB To receive the public minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee meeting held on 5 September 2018. Minutes: The minutes of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee (HHHWQPC) meeting held on 5 September 2018 were received.
A Member (London Wildlife Trust) queried what the cost implications were regarding OPM and the different approaches used to manage it. He also felt that this should be public information as this information would particularly help land owners. The Chairman explained that the costs for OPM were currently being covered by the Director’s operational budget. The Superintendent stated that he was happy to share any information and progress regarding OPM advising that natural options were being researched such as a parasitic fly that stops the breeding stage of the moths.
In response to a request from a Member, the Town Clerk agreed to bring the personalised gavel presented to the HHHWQPC by past Chairman Mr Welbank at their last meeting to the next HHCC meeting so Members could see it. |
DRAFT Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum Minutes PDF 87 KB To receive the draft public minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 10 September 2018. Minutes: The draft minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting held on 10 September 2018 were received.
Members were advised that discussions focused primarily on the Management Plan, the sports licensing fees, This Girl Can and upcoming events. There was consensus that events by Clubs were good but that it was for the Clubs to run them not the Heath Team. It was also agreed that This Girl Can could run for the next five years.
Draft Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028 PDF 61 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the draft Hampstead Heath Management Strategy (formerly Plan) 2018-2028 and the following points were made:
· The Chairman advised that the draft Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028 would be presented to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee for approval on 28 November 2018 so this was the last opportunity for the Committee to input into the strategy. Members were encouraged to provide comments via email and the deadline to provide feedback was mid-November.
· Members were advised that there were four outcomes, 11 priorities and 41 commitments.
· The Superintendent noted that there was still some duplication from the foreword to the text within the strategy which he had attempted to keep brief.
· The Superintendent consulted widely on the strategy which included discussions with the previous Chairman and Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
· Members were advised that a stronger reference to the 2007 Management Plan would be made. The Superintendent would also ensure all actions from the transition document would be cross referenced into this strategy.
· It was noted that the strategy needed to be more assertive regarding how completed actions were dealt with.
· The Superintendent noted that a Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) expressed that sporting was not represented as well as it should in the commitments for Priorities 4 and 5.
· Priority 11 was edited following advice from the former Chairman that gender-neutral language should be used throughout the strategy.
· It was noted that Appendix 3 was still in development.
· The Superintendent advised that he had sought legal advice of the legislative framework of the strategy which incorporated the new Open Spaces Act 2018.
· With regards to resolving conflict and dealing with commitments not being achieved, Members were advised that reports would be brought to the Committee |
Superintendent's Update PDF 69 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Minutes: Members considered an update report of the Superintendent and the following points were made:
Annual Work Programme
· The Operational Services Manager advised Members that waste and recycling continued to be a huge issue at the Heath with 12 tonnes being cleared by the Garden Team each week.
· It was noted that there were no incidents of fly tipping during July-September.
· Fires remain a huge concern for the Heath, particularly after the fire at Epping Forest during the summer. The Operational Services Manager advised that the Heath ensures full water barrels situated around the Heath and works with Fire Brigade to ensure that equipment can be used.
· Members were advised that staff worked hard to keep facilities open over the busy summer period. The Committee thanked all staff and volunteers for their hard work.
· The Water House, Millfield Lane, 2017/3692/P. The Superintendent advised that he was involved in the Community Working Group who were making good steady progress.
· Parliament Hill & William Ellis School, 2018/1270/P. The Superintendent advised that Officers were liaising with the development regarding trees.
· South Fairground Site. Members were advised that the appeal hearing against the Planning Enforcement notice issued by the London Borough of Camden had been set for December.
· North Fairground Site, 2017/4346/P. Members were advised that following non-determination of the case by London Borough of Camden, an appeal hearing has been set for February 2019. Officers continue to work with Vale off Health and Hampstead.
· Jack Straws Castle, 2017/2064/P. The Superintendent advised that London Borough of Camden did not approve this application.
· Garden House, Vale of Health 2017/2885/P. Member were advised that this matter was on the agenda and that London Borough of Camden had not resolved this case.
· Wallace House, Fitzroy Park 2017/4301/P. Members were advised that planning approval was granted.
· 55 Fitzroy |
Appendix 1 - Divisional Plan Q2 update PDF 280 KB Minutes: Members noted the Divisional Plan 2nd Quarter Update and the following points were made:
· The Superintendent advised that two new columns had been added and that an updated Divisional Plan would come back to the Committee in February split by year for the next three years. He noted that the document would be updated to include a recurring header row on each page to make it easier to read.
· A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) noted that the veteran trees policy had been relocated to the Annual Work Programme (AWP) but felt that its status needed to be retained on the Divisional Plan as the guiding document, so it was not lost. He felt there was a difference between a completing project and an ongoing, evolving project. The Chairman suggested mirroring the Project Sub Committee’s approach of updating Members on a project before moving it. The Superintendent explain that “business as usual” projects were reflected in the AWP but agreed to provide annual/regular updates on these projects to ensure Members were kept up-to-date.
· It was suggested that the previous recommendation of an online library holding important and historic documents be set up.
· In response to a query from a Member (Heath and Hampstead Society) regarding the progress on licensing commercial dog walkers, the Superintendent advised that a project plan was in development to tackle this controversial issue which would also involve consultation with dog walkers. The same approach to dog walkers will be implemented across all of the Corporation’s Open Spaces. With regards to dog waste, each professional dog walker will purchase a license and the income would subset the costs generated by waste.
· A Member (Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee) noted that they had googled a number of dog walking companies and on average each company charged |
Appendix 2 - Open Spaces Organised Sports Licence Application Form PDF 122 KB Minutes: Members noted the draft Open Spaces Organised Sports Licence Application Procedure.
Members were advised that the licence application form covers sports that do not generally require formal facilities, e.g. pitches, courts or tracks, and that activities included running, walking, cycling and horse events as well as competitive races or fun runs. Licences for School sports days, charity matches, sports and personal fitness training and group exercise classes would also be applied for via this form.
Fees and Charges 2019/20 & 2020/21 PDF 61 KB Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath. Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the proposed fees and charges for sports facilities and services provided at Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park for 2019/20 and the proposed fees and charges for Weddings and Civil Ceremonies for 2020/21. The following points were made:
· The Superintendent advised that the fees and charges had already been to the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting on 10 September 2018 and the feedback was reflected in the minutes.
· It was noted that fees were largely remaining constant, but a new section had been added (Remediation Deposit) which would cover charges incurred by events, e.g. water, electricity, etc, and this was linked to the Events Policy.
· A Member (Highgate Society) noted that the proposed charge for a junior cricket pitch did not appear to be correct and the Superintendent agreed to check the figure.
· A Member queried whether the proposed cost of day tickets for swimming were too expensive for families on a low wage, as you can swim in the ponds for free. The Chairman advised that the costs were benchmarked with other public swimming venues in London. It was noted that concessions were available for low income families which was explained in the report.
· The Chairman highlighted the local season option which was encouraged and would generate savings.
· In response to a query regarding swimming fees, the Chairman advised that signage was currently unclear, and that consultation was ongoing with swimming groups who were committed to encouraging people to pay. The Superintendent added that a system to apply for season tickets online and make phone and contactless payments were in development and it was hoped this would improve payment and season ticket sales dramatically.
· It was suggested that payment points be located by the lifeguards.
· A Member |
Questions Minutes: There were three questions:
Draft Kentish Town Planning Framework A Member (Dartmouth Park Conservation Area Advisory Committee) advised the Committee that Camden Council has prepared a draft planning framework for Kentish Town and encouraged Members to send their views to help shape the future of this area. It was noted that public consultation on the Draft Kentish Town Planning Framework would run until 7 December 2018. The Town Clerk agreed to circulate information to the Committee.
Graffiti on the Savernake Road bridge The Chairman advised that a question was raised by a Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) in absentia regarding dealing with graffiti on the Savernake Road bridge. The Operational Services Manager explained that Camden Council were responsible for the bridge and that a Health Officer had cleared the site two years ago. However, an increase of graffiti in the area has occurred following the deaths of three artists. The Operational Services Manager agreed to notify Camden Council and speak with Heath Hands to see if they would assist.
Harry Hallowes land In response to a request for an update on the Harry Hallowes land, Members were advised that the new plot owner had dealt with the Japanese Knotweed on the land and was in communications with staff. The Superintendent stated that the Committee would remain updated of any news regarding the land. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Chairman thanked Heath Staff and volunteers for their hard work over the busy summer period which was echoed by the Committee.
The Chairman advised Members that the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen's Park Committee Dinner would take place on 6 February 2019 at the Apothecaries’ Hall and invites would be sent to the Committee in due course. |
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting is 11 February 2019 at 7.00 pm. Minutes: |