Venue: Virtual Public Meeting. The meeting can be viewed at:
Contact: Leanne Murphy Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Simon Taylor. |
Declarations by Members of Any Personal and Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on This Agenda Minutes: There were none. |
To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 9 March 2020 (copy attached). Minutes: The public minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2020 were approved as a correct record.
Matters Arising
With regards to the minutes of the last Hampstead Heath Management Committee meeting that were circulated to Members separately from the Agenda, a Member (Heath and Hampstead Society) voiced disappointment that the recommendation of the HHCC for Option 2 in the Swimming Review proposals was not taken forward by HHMC who ultimately approved Option 3. The Member felt that HHMC was duty bound to follow HHCC views. The Chairman advised that the HHMC always considered all views expressed by the HHCC with great importance but that the City Solicitor confirmed that HHMC was not duty bound to follow their advice. The HHMC remains the decision-making Committee and did not take the decision lightly taking into account all views expressed by HHCC Members, the Swimming Associations and the written views received from the general public throughout the significant consultation taken.
A Member (Friends of Kenwood) shared her disappointment that the HHMC did not listen to the HHCC’s recommendation concerning Option 2 and noted that this also happened in the use of animals in the circus decision.
A Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) stated that whilst he did not agree with the decision, HHMC was the decision-maker and the decision was legitimate. The Member felt clarity should be given to the role of Consultative Committee. The Chairman confirmed she was happy that the decision was valid following detailed analysis of all views. Officers agreed to provide Members with clarity on the overall decision-making process of all Committees.
Covid-19 Update Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Superintendent relating to issues and matters concerning the Covid-19 pandemic. The following comments were made:
· The Superintendent noted that there were some changes following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday 10 May 2020. However, health and keeping staff and the public safe remained of significant importance and it was acknowledged how important the Heath remained to the physical and mental health of all that used it.
· Two carparks have been opened (Jack Straw and Lido) and negotiations were ongoing to open the East Heath parking.
· With regards to staff, the emergency roster continues to be reviewed to protect staff, but the next stage is due to be implemented.
· The Team are in the process of rolling out changes including new signage and where people are permitted to cycle. The new style dog bins are also being introduced. Messaging advising the public to take waste home has received a good response and will continue.
· Members were advised that the Cafés have opened offering a takeaway service only which had received a mixed response. Officers continue to liaise with tenants and how the City Corporation can support them.
· The Constabulary have continued to engage with people not adhering to social distancing regulations. An ongoing matter has been dealing with use of the Heath as a public sex environment and the Constabulary continue to work with the MET, LGBT+ stakeholders and the local community to address this risk.
· High winds on 10 May 2020 caused a number of trees to be blown over or lose branches. These have been made safe and will remain where they have naturally fallen.
· Contractors have today begun their second OPM spray of trees. Contractors will resume works to the public toilets and repairs to the paths and fences on |
Swimming Update Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Superintendent providing Members with an update on swimming facilities. The following comments were made:
· The Superintendent advised that the swimming report was updated and recirculated following the Prime Minister’s update to incorporate new measures including social distancing protection for lifeguards. Members views were being sought regarding draft proposals developed to manage the four swimming facilities.
· It was noted that the Mixed Pond would be the most difficult to manage. Suggested safety measures included introduction of a one-way system, a restricted number of swimmers and no cash payments.
· The Chairman noted an email received from the Swimming Association chairmen circulated to Members in advance of the meeting and reiterated that the City Corporation’s priority was its duty of care to staff, lifeguards and the public.
· A Member (London Council for Recreation and Sport) highlighted that technology was a major criticism of the Swimming Review and felt that the lockdown had provided more time to invest in the necessary infrastructure at the swimming facilities. The Member requested a timescale of what changes were coming and when. The Superintendent stated that there were short and long-term plans in development. In the short-term, the existing platform would be used for online booking and payments and in the long-term contactless technology would be brought in to integrate wrist bands and lockers through an app. Different wrist bans would be provided to day users. It was noted that it was currently difficult to trial and test the new technology as site meetings with providers were not currently possible, but that progress was being made.
· In response to an observation from a Member (Representative of Clubs using facilities on the Heath) concerning an open water qualification, the Superintendent advised that this was required as per the Health and Safety |
Questions Minutes: There were none. |
Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: The Chairman advised Members that her three-year term had come to an end and this was her last HHCC meeting as Chairman. She explained that due to the current pandemic restrictions, April Court had been unable to go ahead to reconstitute its Committees for the year. As such, there would be no 2020 elections for the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and Sub Committees and the current Deputy Chair would become Acting Chair until the elections could take place. The Chairman thanked Members for their support during her tenure which had been a pleasure. Members thanked the Chairman for her great support and leadership over the years. |
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: The date of the next meeting on 6 July 2020 was noted. |