Venue: Committee Rooms 3 & 4 - 2nd Floor, West Wing, Guildhall. View directions
Contact: Antoinette Duhaney, 020 7332 1408, Email:
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Nicholas Bensted-Smith, Gregory Lawrence, Alderman Bronek Masojada, John Scott, Ian Seaton and Deputy Philip Woodhouse. |
Members' Declarations Under the Code of Conduct in Respect of Items on the Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 27.11.19
Minutes: RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 27.11.19 be approved as a correct record. |
Superintendent Updates (oral report) Minutes: The Committee heard oral updates from the Superintendents of the City’s Wholesale Markets.
Billingsgate - It was reported that · Officers were continuing to follow up on actions arising from the traffic management audit.
New Spitalfields - It was reported that
A lease forfeiture had taken place and thus far, no application for
relief from forfeiture had been received.
Officers were exploring the scope for redress from the suppliers
following delays in delivering parts for the controlled
barrier. Smithfield - It was reported that · The annual Christmas Eve Auction in Grand Avenue was well attended and passed without incident. |
Markets Committee Risk Update PDF 248 KB Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection providing an update on risk management measures in accordance with the Corporate Risk Management Framework.
Officers reported that as result of faulty vesta heads, false fire alarms were being triggered at Smithfield Market and once this had been addressed, the risk would be reduced considerably
RESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Markets Committee Business Plan Update Period 2 2019/20 (August-November) PDF 81 KB Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection providing an update on performance against Key Performance Indicators for Quarter 2 (August – November 2019).
REESOLVED – That the report be noted. |
Markets Committee Budget Estimates and High-Level Summary Business Plan 2020/21 PDF 107 KB Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection presenting the latest revenue budget for 2019/20 and proposing capital and revenue budgets for 2020/21.
In response to questions and comments from Members, Officers advised that the format of the report had been changed to align with standardised templates which had been agreed by the Chamberlain. It was also reported that the reason for the variance was a result of the “asset verification process” and a member disputed whether this was in fact the case. Subsequent to the meeting, Officers clarified that information in the Chamberlain’s report was inaccurate and that the variances were a result of increased services required at the Markets and a higher level of reactive spend than was originally anticipated.
1. That the Markets Committee proposed revenue budget for 2020/21 be approved for submission to the Finance Committee.
2. That the Markets Committee proposed capital and supplementary revenue projects budgets for 2020/21 be approved for submission to the Finance Committee.
3. That the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection, be authorised to revise these budgets to allow for any further implications arising from Corporate Projects, other reviews and changes to the Cyclical Works Programme.
4. That authority be delegated to the Chamberlain to agree that minor amendments for 2019/20 and 2020/21 budgets arising during budget setting.
5. That the factors taken into consideration in compiling the Department of Markets & Consumer Protection Business Plan, including efficiency measures be noted.
6. That the draft high-level summary business plan for 2020/21 be approved, subject to the incorporation of any changes recommended by the Markets Committee.
Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no questions. |
Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent Minutes: · Museum of London Planning Application – The Committee Chairman reported that the Museum of London had submitted a planning application in respect of the Smithfield Market site even though the site was still in use and had yet to be declared surplus to requirements.
· Smithfield Market Energy Costs – The Chairman reported that he had received representations on behalf of New Spitalfields Market Tenants regarding spiralling energy costs and the lack of consultation with tenants as part of the procurement process. In response Officers stated that there were aware of the concerns raised and were liaising with colleagues in the City Surveyors and Comptrollers Departments to consider how best to address these concerns. |
Exclusion of the Public MOTION - That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act as follows:-
Non-Public Minutes To agree the non-public minutes of the meeting held on 27.11.19.
Minutes: The non-public minutes of the meeting held on 27.11.19 were approved as a correct record.
New Food School as Part of the Markets Consolidation Programme (MCP) Joint report of the City Surveyor and the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection Minutes: The Committee considered a joint report of the City Surveyor and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection proposing the establishment of a Food School as part of the MCP. |
Markets Consolidation Programme Leasing Strategy Report of the City Surveyor Minutes: Item withdrawn. |
Markets Consolidation Programme Maintenance Strategy Report of the City Surveyor
Minutes: Item withdrawn.
Tenancies at Will and Assignments Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection Minutes: The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection outlining the most recent Tenancies and Will granted and Lease Assignments. |
Non-Public Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee Minutes: There were no non-public questions.
Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent and which the Committee Agree Should be Considered Whilst the Public are Excluded Minutes: There were two urgent items. |