Venue: Nightingale Room, 10 Keats Grove, London NW3 2RR
Contact: Julie Mayer
tel. no.: 020 7332 1410
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies were received from Deputy Wendy Hyde, Stephen Bobasch (represented by Nigel Steward) and Karina Dostalova (represented by Deputy John Tomlinson) |
Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of items on the agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 May 2018. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2018 were approved, subject to removing a reference to the Keats Foundation at the end of paragraphs 10. In respect of a question about the ‘bow wave’; Members noted that this referred to a backlog of maintenance costs.
RESOLVED, that – the minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2018 be approved. |
Keats House Update Report Report of the Superintendent, Hampstead Heath. Minutes: Members received a report of the Superintedent, Hampstead Heath which summarised the achievements and developments at Keats House, including Ten Keats Grove, since the last meeting on 15 May 2018. The Principal Curator also tabled the latest programme for the House.
During the discussion on this report, the following points were noted:
Initail feedback from the Visit England Inspection had been very positive; there might be a small dip on last years’ score but this had been expected on account of some maintenance issues. Whilst marginal, they would receive full consideration once the final report is available.
Members were very pleased to note that the House had been awarded ‘Silver Gilt’; ie scoring 7—84% of the points available in the London in Bloom (Walled Gardens Category).
The Licence for Ten Keats Grove had been resolved with a ‘letter of comfort’ and, going forward there would be more regular meetings with Trustees and feedback . Members were pleased to note that a fully automatic defibrillator had been purchased for use at Keats House and Ten Keats Grove, of a simple design, which will not operate if an individual is not in cardiac arrest. Members noted that a fully trained Life Guard has advised on the purchase and run training sessions for all staff, which would extend to new staff and volunteers. The device would be checked weekly, alongside fire drills and Mr Bobasch of the Keats Community Library would be fully briefed.
Members noted that a few factors had come to light in respect of the Premises License, which the Principal Curator |
Questions Minutes: |
Any other business Minutes: |
Date of the next meeting 18th March 2019 at Guildhall – lunch 1pm and meeting at 1.45 pm Minutes: |