Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a report of the Commissioner providing an update on performance and resources management and the following points were made:
· There had been significant increases over the rolling 12-month period for certain offences including residential burglary and theft from person which reflected an increase in these crimes at a national level, as well as the impact of high vacancy levels within the City of London Police Force. Victim-based violence and acquisitive crime had also increased over the rolling 12-month period but it was anticipated that crime related to the night-time economy would be significantly lower during the COVID-19 lockdown. Overall, total notifiable offenses for the rolling 12 months were projected to show an increase of 11%. A Member was concerned at the increases shown for certain offences and queried whether the COVID-19 lockdown offered an opportunity to ‘reset’ crime levels to a lower level in future, supported by the new geographical model and increasing Police numbers. Further information on areas flagged as ‘red’ as well as crimes showing an increase would be provided to Members following the meeting.
· In considering the HR Dashboard, a Member noted that it was planned to recruit to a number of posts during 2020/21 and requested an analysis of the diversity statistics for March 2020 be undertaken to identify key trends that could be used to support effective recruitment processes.
· A Member noted the report of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services and requested that the current position on areas flagged as ‘red’ as well as the timetable for action be provided to Members and that the summary report be shared with Independent Members of Performance and Resource Management Committee
RESOLVED, that the update be noted.
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