Agenda item

Capital Funding Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain setting out various bids for capital funding.


Whilst these bids were considered ‘business as usual’ for the City, the Chamberlain confirmed that work was underway to prioritise essential schemes to be progressed during the current crisis, pending a fuller assessment of the financial impact of the crisis and the potential impact on future affordability of new schemes.


RESOLVED, that Members:-


1.    Agree the allocation of central funding of up to £281.2k to allow 2 schemes to progress to the next gateway:


a)    Guildhall Complex Chiller Plant replacement £174.2

b)    Guildhall Steam Plant Replacement £107k


2.    Note that work is underway to identify priority schemes to be progressed during the current crisis to ensure that funding for only the most essential schemes is committed for the time being.

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