Agenda item

Update on Operation TAMAR

The Commissioner and Chief Officers to be heard.


The Commissioner and Chief Officers provided an oral update and highlighted the following:


·         The CoLP were deeply engaged with enforcement while lockdown restrictions were easing focusing on engagement, educate and enforcement as a last resort.  The initial easing of lockdown had little impact on the City of London thus far.


·         There was some activity as preparations were made for office space to be reconfigured.


·         Traffic levels remained relatively low and two Fixed Penalty Notices had been


·         Sickness levels during the COVID-19 pandemic remained low (2%) and the officer who was being treated in hospital for COVID-19 was making a steady recovery.


·         Reports of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour were low and the Aldgate/Middlesex Street Area was being monitored in response to complaints.


·         Plans were being considered to make offices suitable for staff to return.  Staff were understandably anxious and phased re-occupation would take place whilst taking full advantage of technology for remote working


·         Throughout lockdown, uniformed policing level had been maintained but must reintegrate to workplace and take advantage of technology benefits.

·         There was increasing demand on PPE supply chains and a supply of face coverings had been secured to minimise transmission of COVID-19 and steps were being taking to maintain an adequate supply of PPE.


·         A report was to be considered by the Planning & Transportation Committee later that day regarding proposals to alter the City of London Streetscape to support the COVID-19 recovery and any actions agreed would have an impact on CoLP.


·         In respect of the Secure City Programme, Officers were optimistic that any changes would not diminish CCTV or ANPR as additional resources were available as a result of the Pan-London approach.  Officers would raise these concerns with TfL and GLA at a meeting the following day.