Agenda item

Public Outstanding References

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner.



In considering the update, the following was highlighted:


·          30/2019/P, Cyber Griffin Evaluation – It was reported that this work was currently being evaluate by CoL.


·          37/2019/P, Exercise Yard – The Board was advised that this work had been approved by Capital Buildings Committee with completion anticipated in June/July 2020.  An accelerated completion date was unlikely given the current challenges with appointing contractors


·          5/2020/P, Quarterly reporting – Tijs Broeke agreed to follow up on this and report back to the Board in due course.


·          6/2020/P, Board awayday – It was reported that an informal working group would meet virtually on Monday 18th May and Deputy Keith Bottomley expressed his interest in joining this meeting.



That the report be noted.


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