Agenda item

Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent


Erosion would need  needs to be looked at in terms of Annual Work programme and this was apparent at path edges, due to visitors social distancing.  There would be a full study on compaction and erosion and temporary fencing was suggested for the most affected areas.   The Supt. Confirmed that more fencing would be required to guarantee recovery  over winter and spring.


Dartmouth Plan Conservation Area would forward its Neighbourhood Plan to the TC and Chairman for consideration at the next meeting.


There had been less Oak Processionary Moth nests this year and the Heath Hands volunteers were thanked for their assistance.  There would 2/3 more weeks of surveying and then more nests will be removed.   Members noted that the presence of a parasitic fly may have kept the numbers down and officers hoped to report a further reduction by the next meeting.




End 6.56