Agenda item

Revenue Outturn - 2011/12

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community & Children’s Services (copy attached).


The Committee received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services detailing the Revenue Outturn for 2011/12.


The Chamberlain highlighted that the Revenue Outturn detailed a ‘better than budget’ position of £45,000. Members were informed that this was due to net income on the City Moiety being £27,000 higher than expected and net expenditure on the Gresham Almshouses being £13,000 lower than budgeted primarily due to a reduced requirement for repairs and maintenance.


A Member questioned the fact that less money than originally anticipated had been spent on repairs and maintenance at the Gresham Almshouses. He suggested that there should be a clear programme of works scheduled for each year and that any repairs and maintenance should not be carried out ‘reactively’. The Chamberlain reported that a programme of Repairs and Maintenance works was in existence and that officers did have sight of this when producing the budget each year.


The Chairman suggested that the City Surveyor raise this matter with Community and Children’s Services and look to circulate a note on the repairs and maintenance programme for the Gresham Almshouses before the next meeting of this Committee.



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