Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to the Children’s Social Care COVID-19 Response. The Director noted that COVID had had an impact on the children and services, and short break criteria had changed to allow funding to be redirected to other resources to allow for home-schooling.
Members requested details on plans in place for recovery and lifting restrictions. Officers advised that new short breaks money regulations were in place until autumn; virtual meetings with children were in place; lessons were being taught virtually; there had been increased mental health offerings and increased early intervention work; families continued to have access to therapy virtually.
With respect to Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children, there had been one new case since the previous meeting, and this individual had access to accommodation and screening services.
With respect to the Black Lives Matter movement, officers noted that all young people in social care, and half of the staff, were black. The movement emphasised the prevalence of racism within the society, and social workers were actively engaged in working with young people to support them, including providing advice to those who planned to attend protests and cautioning where there were risks. For staff, sessions had taken place to discuss racism and how staff could be better supported in their personal and professional lives.
Members expressed concern with regards to domestic violence during lockdown, and requested that a report be brought to the sub-committee at a future meeting.
RESOLVED – that the report be received and its contents noted.
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