Agenda item

Education and Early Years Service Safeguarding Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to Education and Early Years Service Safeguarding. It was noted that the report focused on work during the COVID-19 crisis, with the central goal of ensuring young people had access to education and remained engaged in learning.


Officers provided a further update with respect to the Black Lives Matter movement, noting the connection between Sir John Cass and slavery. Sir John Cass’s Foundation Primary School was therefore carrying out a review in consultation with parents and the community with respect to addressing this (considering, for example, the school name, uniforms and logos, paintings, statues and artifacts).


Members requested information regarding assessing education deficit as a result of COVID. Officers reported that it was difficult to know the full impact at that stage. There was a varied approach amongst schools in how educational deficit had been addressed.


With respect to 4G routers, officers noted that although there had been a delay initially in allocating routers, 9 4G routers had been allocated.


RESOLVED – that, the report be receive and its contents noted.

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