Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to the Annual Local Authorities Designated Officer (LADO). Officers informed Members that training programmes had taken place; the City hosted the national LADO conference which increased the City’s profile in this area; and following COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, officers confirmed that the service had been discharged remotely with success.
Members requested assurance that officers were aware of any obstacles to reporting that needed to be overcome, and assurance that police are aware of lines of communication for LADO reporting.
Officers confirmed that there were no systematic obstacles that they were aware of, and that officers were continuing to raise awareness of lines of communication.
Members requested assurance that Safeguarding Lead responded to all licensing reviews. Officers confirmed that all licensing applications were subject to safeguarding reviews. These reports would not be included in LADO report, as it was part of the overarching Safeguarding Lead responsibilities. Members requested a report be brought to the sub-committee at a future meeting.
RESOLVED – that, the report be received and its contents noted.
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