Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding Human Resources Monitoring Information – 1 October 2019 – 31 March 2020 and the following points were made.
· The Commissioner noted that the Force was giving added focus to reviewing the reasons given by officers and staff for leaving the Force.
· The Chairman noted that he would welcome an update on how quickly the vacancy rate could be closed now the Force had resumed recruitment, and that future reporting include the level of staff and officer attrition broken down by department and by job level.
· In response to a comment regarding Force BAME officers and staff, the Commissioner noted that the Force was handicapped by the fact it had not recruited probationers since 2010. The challenge was now to improve BAME recruitment and retention. Of the March 2020 probationary intake, one-third were BAME background and the scheduled July 2020 intake had a similar percentage of BAME background.
· In response to a request, the Commissioner agreed to amend future reports to ensure tribunal data related to those lodged during the year, closed during the year, and those that remained ‘live’ during the year.
· The Commissioner concluded by noting that Force staff would be encouraged to engage with the City of London Corporation staff survey.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
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