Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding the Draft Annual Report 2019/20 and the following points were made.
· The Chairman invited Members to submit any detailed comments and typographical corrections to the Force via the clerk.
· In response to comments, the Commissioner agreed to clarify wording around the report being produced in-house at no cost – this section was meant to note that the report had been produced without using an expensive external agency option. The Commissioner also undertook to cross-reference the statistics quoted within the report with other reporting made to the Board, noting that any disjoint was likely due to more up-to-date figures being included in recent reports.
· In response to further comments, the Commissioner undertook to review whether Stop & Search could be usefully referenced within the report, and the reason behind sexual offences being recorded in a variety of disparate columns within the report rather than as a coherent set.
· The Commissioner also agreed to consider whether the detection rate could be included in the report alongside the crime rate, the latter of which was a reporting obligation.
· Given some of the proposed amendments were significant, it was agreed that authority be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman to approve the finalised report ahead of its submission to the Court of Common Council in July 2020.
RESOLVED, that subject to the comments made, authority be delegated to the Town Clerk to approve, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, the Annual Report 2019/20 for submission to the Court of Common Council.
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