Agenda item

Grants Budget and Applications Today

Report of the CGO


The Committee received a report of the CGO summarising grant applications recommended for decision at the meeting, and those that had been considered since the last meeting under schemes of delegation.


A Member asked about the take-up on CBT’s offer to current Bridging Divides grantees to convert a proportion of their current grant funding from specific project funding to core cost funding for up to a year. The CGO advised that over 100 organisations had responded to the offer, with the majority wishing to convert a proportion of their grant funding. The offer was still available to any organisation and officers would follow-up with organisations who had yet to respond. The Chairman advised that he had received positive feedback on this action and thanked officers.


In response to a question from a Member, the CGO advised that officers were looking ahead to build on work undertaken as part of the ‘Responding to Resilience Risk’ strategic initiative and add further work arising from the COVID-19 emergency.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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