Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services relative to the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Strategy 2019-2023 and Action Plan 2019-2021. It was noted that the action plan was developed prior to the pandemic, but had been adjusted to account for the impact of COVID-19.
With respect to concerns about victims of domestic abuse receiving the support they need given the COVID-19 context, and communication and publication campaigns for these services, it was reported that during the lockdown period, the City of London Police carried out checks on known vulnerable residents. Victims’ services were promoted on social media and the City Corporation website; Crime Stoppers ran a campaign regarding protecting neighbours; and ‘spot the signs’ training toolkits were employers were updated to reflect working from home conditions.
Members expressed concern that not all City Corporation employees had access to a laptop to access training toolkits, and some Members had issues accessing information on the Corporation’s website regarding domestic abuse support. Officers would address these issues following the meeting.
Members expressed concern that the strategy focused on women and girls, which risked excluding men and boys who are also vulnerable to abuse. Officers responded that the strategy was applicable to all genders, but focused on women and girls to reflect that they were disproportionately victimised. The Chairman noted that the terminology needed to be in line with the Domestic Abuse Bill.
Members further noted that strategy should address heightened vulnerability to abuse for people who are homeless, and licensed premises should be equipped to ensure people are safe from abuse in their premises.
RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.
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