Agenda item

Tower Bridge - Replacement of Defective Bridge Driving Machinery Hydraulic Components

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a late, separately circulated report of the Director of Open Spaces in respect of replacement of defective hydraulic pipework, components and upgrading of hydraulic power units associated with the bridge lifting machinery at Tower Bridge.




1.    The total estimated cost of the project at £1,151,565 (excluding risk) be noted.

2.    A revised budget of £1,151,565 be approved to get to the next Gateway (excluding risk).

3.    A Costed Risk Provision of £114,000 be approved (to be drawn down via delegation to Chief Officer).

4.    The use of a sole supplier waiver be approved; i.e. - Bosch Rexroth Limited, as per the recommended option set out in the report.


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