Agenda item

Corporate Risk Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


Members considered a report of the Chamberlain relative to the Corporate Risk Register. The report sought approval for a new risk, CR35 Unsustainable Medium-Term Finances risk, to be added to the Corporate Risk Register, into which other risks could be incorporated.


Following discussion, Members did not agree to incorporating CR23 Police Funding into CR35 as this would minimise the focus on the risks and issues specific to the Police.


RESOLVED, that – Members agree the following:

1)    to endorse the inclusion of CR35 Unsustainable Medium-Term Finances risk on the corporate risk register;

2)    to not incorporate CR23 Police Funding into CR35;

3)    to incorporate CR31 Fundamental Review risk into CR35;

4)    to note the de-escalation of CR27 Change Management to the departmental level (Town Clerk’s)

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