Agenda item

Corporate Performance Framework Update

Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance.


The Sub-Committee received a Report of the Head of Corporate Strategy & Performance concerning the Corporate Performance Framework.


The paper provided an update on the changes made to the Corporate Performance

Framework (CPF) project due to COVID-19.


Due to the pandemic, the work the Corporate Strategy & Performance Team had planned on the CPF had to be paused. It has now restarted, but with an initial focus on gathering and presenting information weekly on how activity levels are changing in the Square Mile as lockdown eases. The information is being used to inform operational decisions, external messaging and the Policy Chair and Lord Mayor’s virtual engagement programme.


Members noted the Report and remarked that, whilst the information included provided a useful update on the organisation’s response to Covid, particularly around the quality and quantity of data that was now being captured, it gave a limited insight into the types of longer-term areas that the Sub-Committee should focus on in its upcoming meetings. The Chairman indicated that a discussion should take place under public AOB to provide officers with a firm steer about the forward plan for 2020/21.  


RESOLVED – that the Sub-Committee noted the Report.


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