Agenda item


Oral update on the latest position.


The Committee received an oral update from the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing Members with an update on the current situation as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Members were advised that the hospitality sector was gradually increasing with 30 premises reopening on 4 July 2020 which had since increased to 40-50 premises. Footfall on the streets remained significantly lower than average with approximately 1,000 people a week.


It was noted that due to the knock-on effects of Covid-19, it was deemed inappropriate to host the annual Safety Thirst awards event for 2020/21 and this would roll over until next year.


With regards to the traffic light scheme, Officers advised that all premises were closed from 23 March during lockdown. Members agreed that premises in the Red or Amber zone could not be let off the hook and points should carry over to skip the period all premises were closed with the scheme to recommence as normal.


A Member felt that it was important to help struggling businesses and enquired how the City Corporation could promote and advertise the open premises to City residents. A Member noted that the City information Centre had reopened and could publicise the open premises. Officers confirmed that this information could be shared to promote externally.