Agenda item


Report of the Chief Superintendent, City of London Police.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Chief Superintendent providing Members with a breakdown of the spending of the Late Night Levy from the City of London Police.


Members were advised that there was no report as there had been no changes since the previous meeting. Officers noted that there was confusion as to how regularly this update should be brought to the Committee which had varied in the past. The Town Clerk confirmed that the report conflicted with the City Corporation’s own financial update as they ran on a different schedule causing confusion for the Committee’s annual report.


The Deputy Chairman recommended a bi-annual update to provide less reporting burden on the Police which could review the last year and the current year. Members were reminded that the Committee had no control over how the Police spent their portion of the Late Night Levy. The Chairman added that there should be joint up reporting between the Police and City Corporation for the end of year accounts. Members supported this approach.