Agenda item

Open Spaces Department, City Gardens and West Ham Park Risk Management

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces on the Open Spaces Department, City Gardens and West Ham Park Risk Management. The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report and invited questions from the Committee.


Replying to a query from a Member of the Committee regarding the West Ham Park Nursery Project, the Director of Open Spaces explained that the Comptroller and City Solicitor wrote to Charity Commission to confirm particular details of the 1874 West Ham Park Conveyance with regard to the progression of works at the former Nursery site and would be working on responses to the questions received from the Charity Commission. In addition it was noted that the Comptroller and City Solicitor had, following the Charity Commission’s recommendation, obtained outside counsel views on specific details of the 1874 West Ham Park Conveyance and 1981 Charity Scheme with a report expected by the end of the week of the 13th of July. The Chairman requested that a report on this matter be received by the Committee at its meeting October.


The Committee discussed the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the management of West Ham Park noting particularly the context of the London Borough of Newham as one of the boroughs worst affected by the pandemic. The Director of Open Spaces confirmed that the significant impact of COVID19 had been reflected in its classification as a red risk on the Risk Register. The Committee recorded its thanks to all staff and volunteers involved in the management of West Ham Park for providing a vital service to people of the London Borough of Newham in a deeply challenging time. The Chairman commented that options for an event to appropriately recognise this contribution would be explored. The Director of Open Spaces thanked the Committee and noted that the West Ham Park Management team would now be exploring options for the reopening of facilities in the Park.


Replying to Member’s question regarding staff welfare, the Director of Open Spaces confirmed that there had been no recorded physical attacks on staff by members of the public but noted that there had been significant levels of verbal abuse received particularly when enforcing social distancing rules.


RESOLVED- That the West Ham Park elements of the City Gardens and West Ham Park risk register as outlined in this report and in Appendix 3 be approved.

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