Agenda item

Housing Major Works Programme - Progress Report

Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.



The Sub-Committee received the report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services on the Housing Major Works Programme – Progress Report.


The Sub-Committee was advised that the purpose of the report is to update Members on the progress which had been made with the Housing Major Works Programme and to advise the Sub-Committee on issues affecting progress on individual schemes.


The Sub-Committee was informed that Officers have been working around the design stages and ensuring that work with consultants and external stakeholders continues. The Sub-Committee was further advised that various stages of works within the houses will start again in September to coincide with children being back to school and cause minimum disruptions to the residents.


A Member asked about the consultation taking place before the work restarting. Officers advised that before the internal work commences a survey will be carried out with the residents and ensure that the Department feeds into the views amplified in the survey.


Officers advise the Sub-Committee that some external doors are being replaced within Middlesex Street Estate. Although this is outside of the scope of the current project, the doors are in need of replacement. A Member asked that the Central Government has announced a £5000 Sustainable Energy Projects grants for individual households and if the City of London can tap into this.  Officers assured the Sub-Committee to provide a detailed paper to the Sub-Committee at its next meeting, as the information around the Sustainable Energy Project grants needs further clarification.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.



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