Report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services.
The Sub-Committee received the report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services on the City of London Almshouses Update. The Sheltered Housing Manager informed the Sub-Committee on the resident’s welfare. At present there are three residents the Almshouses Manager is particularly concerned about.
A Member asked if the residents are allowed to sit outside in the garden. The Sheltered Housing Manager mentioned that although the garden is open to the residents it remains unused. In terms of the welfare of the residents the Sub-Committee was informed that conversations have taken place with the resident’s families and GP to ensure that adequate level of care are being given to the residents where there are extra concerns about their welfare due to lockdown isolation.
A Member asked if the City of London intends to start the repairs work as planned in August 2020. The Sheltered Housing Manager informed the Sub-Committee, that a survey was carried out with the residents and the majority of the residents are content with the work starting in August 2020, several have agreed to kitchen and bathroom works to commence in their homes.
This was followed by another Member asking, if the Almshouses can be a social bubble itself, therefore allowing the residents to have communal activities. The Sheltered Housing Manager advised that the current residents often do not have shared interests thus to form a bubble may not be helpful as several have already formed their bubbles with families and friends. Additionally, some residents have bubbles with their care support from the local authority and as such staff must be careful about how the bubbles overlap.
RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.
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