Report of the Chamberlain.
Members considered a report of the Chamberlain relative to future arrangements for the Informal Risk Challenge Session, requesting that the sessions be disaggregated from the Grand Committee meetings in order to hold more regular sessions, therefore ensuring all departments would participate in the sessions within two years.
RESOLVED, that – Members agree the following:
1) that the Chief Officer Informal Risk Challenge (IRC) sessions be held separately from the cycle of Committee meetings with effect from September 2020;
2) that the IRC sessions be held on a more frequent basis, with up to two sessions between each Committee meeting, depending on the Committee meeting date schedule;
3) that the Schedule of IRC sessions gives due consideration to the potential risk exposure of the City Corporation of both existing and new risk areas, as well as the effectiveness of the departmental risk management arrangements. The duration of each IRC will be proportionate to risk exposure and effectiveness of each departmental risk management arrangements – up to one hour maximum per IRC session;
4) that lighter-touch IRC sessions take place where the Committee is satisfied that there are effective risk management arrangements in place. This proportionate approach would be reviewed on a regular basis, subject to the continued effectiveness of departmental risk management arrangements and the overall and up-to-date risk profile of departments;
5) agree that, subject to the views of the Committee in relation to the above, the IRC administrative working arrangements be approved by the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen;
6) that further consideration be given to incorporating the session note into the Grand Committee agenda, aiming to balance the public interest with the candid nature of the discussion.
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