Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered an Annual Report of the Commissioner regarding Professional Standards Activity 2019/20 and the following points were made.
· The Assistant Commissioner noted that there had been a small increase in complaints and allegations between 2018/19 and 2019/20 due largely to the fact that the definition(s) now included expressions of dissatisfaction.
· The Assistant Commissioner highlighted the changes to governance going forward, including the move towards a culture of performance and learning versus a focus on misconduct.
· The Chair of the Professional Standards and Integrity Committee noted that it had been a useful year for the Committee, including a very informative site visit to the Professional Standards Directorate that took place in February 2020.
· In response to a question regarding an HMICFRS recommendation, the Assistant Commissioner confirmed that an anti-corruption officer had been recruited and was now in post. The Force was now reviewing the adoption of an appropriate online system to facilitate the reporting of suspected corruption.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
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