Agenda item

Road Danger Reduction & Active Travel Plan 2020/21 - 2022/23

Joint report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Commissioner.


Members considered a joint report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Commissioner regarding the Road Danger Reduction & Active Travel Plan 2020/21-2022/23 and the following points were made.


·         A Member commented that there was a disjoint in underlying data due to the fact separate datasets were used that varied between data collected over the course of a calendar year and data collected over a financial year.


·         The Director of the Built Environment acknowledged the Member’s point regarding the data underpinning the figures within the report and noted that officers had sought to be cautious with the figures until such time they had a firm understanding of statistical variations at the local level. The Director hoped to be able to provide more definitive detail at a future meeting.


·         The T/Commander (Operations and Security) noted that the HMICFRS report Roads Policing: Not optional published on 15 July 2020 had recommended an improvement in the analytical capability underpinning roads policing.


·         In response to a question regarding persons less able to navigate the City’s streets, the Director of the Built Environment confirmed that an Equalities Impact Assessment had been carried out for both Phases 1 and 2 of the Plan, and officers had also consulted with the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB).


·         The Chairman noted that an Action Plan was due in the Autumn and requested that the Plan dealt with the issue regarding underlying statistics, alongside providing an update on the Force’s response to the HMICFRS Roads Policing: Not optional  report.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.


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