Agenda item

City of London Police Reserve - Strength and Composition

Report of the Commissioner.


Members considered a report of the Commissioner regarding the City of London Police Reserve – Strength and Composition. The Town Clerk noted that the accompanying appendix, previously published on the non-public side of the agenda at item 20, could now be considered public and taken alongside this item.


·         The Chairman welcomed the report although noted that he had envisaged greater detail within it on how the Reserve was utilised and requested a further report for submission to the September 2020 meeting accordingly.


·         The Assistant Commissioner noted the Chairman’s comments and assured Members that a review had been conducted on how best Reserve officers could be deployed across all of the Force’s Directorates.


·         Members commented that the Reserve, including Cadets, was an excellent means through which to recruit from minorities and reach communities that might otherwise not consider a career with the police.


·         The Assistant Commissioner agreed, noting that 65% of City of London Police cadets were from a BAME background, and the Force had recently inducted its first constable who had volunteered as a cadet. The Force was liaising with the Authority’s Human Resources Department to formalise this recruitment pathway.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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