Agenda item

Enhanced working Hours for Street Works in the City

Joint report of the Director of the Built Environment and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


Consideration was given to a joint report of the Director of the Built Environment in respect of Enhanced Working Hours for Street Works in the City.

The Directors informed Members that initiative was formed as part of a project launched by the previous Town Clerk and Officers were pleased with the cross-directorate collaboration, and the work undertaken by the City’s term contractor Riney.


Members queried why some sites were idle and whether they should report these locations to the Director, and whether penalties could be imposed on the contractors causing noise pollution on site.  Members asked what criteria would be used to decide which sites in streets marked as ‘Amber’ would be included in the Enhanced Working Hours for Street Works scheme.  The Director informed Members that a team of three Officers monitored street works and any noise pollution would be investigated.  Idle sites should be marked with a sign explaining why the site was not in use, and Members were invited to report idle sites without signage to Officers.  Sites in streets marked as ‘Amber’  would be considered in detail in relation to the length of works, anticipated traffic disruption and likely noisy occurrences and discussed with the Environmental Health Officers to determine the benefits of extended hours given the likelihood of any noise pollution which may occur and the duration of the works.  Therefore, consultation on this scheme was very important and consultation with residents and businesses would be very important during the process.


Members queried the site at London Wall where the current Cross Rail work had blocked one lane of the highway; however, the lane was not in regular use by heavy goods vehicles. Officers agreed to investigate this matter further.



1)     a) the general principle of ‘quiet hours’ used in the City within the Code of Practice be confirmed;

b) the further actions proposed be agreed; and

c) a report be submitted to the Committee in 12 months to review the effect of the more flexible approach to ‘quiet hours’.

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