Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2013/14

Joint report of the Chamberlain, Director of the Built Environment, Director of Markets and Consumer Protection and Director of Open Spaces.


Consideration was given to a joint report of the Chamberlain and Directors of the Built Environment, Markets and Consumer Protection and Open Spaces which provided the annual submission of the revenue and capital budgets report.


The Chairman congratulated Officers on a well written report.  Officers informed Members that budgets had been prepared within the resources allocated to each Director, however the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection had only achieved this through inclusion of £250,000 as unidentified savings.  In order to meet his resource allocation, the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection included this figure as a result of reduction in Port Health income due to a decrease in trade and in light of proposed changes to animal imports and checks at the Heathrow Animal Reception Centre.


The Director of the Built Environment informed the Committee that £153,000 would be transferred from the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme (LATS) Reserve to the department’s local risk budget during 2013/14 to meet the increased cost of agency staff for public conveniences.


The Chairman requested a progress report regarding budget developments be submitted to the Committee for consideration in due course.



a) The Committee approved the budget for submission to the Finance Committee;

1)     b[OK1] ) The Committee approved the draft capital budget; and

2)     c) The Committee authorised the Chamberlain to revise the budgets to allow for further implications arising from potential budget developments, including PP2P reviews, the implementation of the City of London Procurement Service, changes to the Additional Works Programme and changes in respect of recharges.


 [OK1]I’ve just changed these to be consistent in the minutes

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