Agenda item

Superintendents Updates (oral report)

The Superintendents to be heard.



It was reported that

·         Although a number of requests for permits had been made, this was less than the number of permits being surrendered.


·         Several enquiries regarding filming had been received.


·         COVID-19 Testing Centres were being hosted every three days until the end of September 2020.  The impact on the market was minimal and tenants had been very co-operative


·         The Annual Harvest Festival would take place on 11th October 2020 at St Mary’s Up Hill at 11am


New Spitalfields

It was reported that

·         Following Counsel’s advice, a letter had been sent to the contractor regarding the delays in the installation of the car park entry barrier.  Officers flagged that there was a risk that there would be a breach of contract and the outstanding works would not be completed.


·         Part of the site was being used to store decommissioned mortuary equipment including storage containers and refrigeration units which had no impact on the day to day market operations.


Trade was steady but there were issues with catering suppliers and two catering businesses had closed and were in the process of assigning leases.



·         Officers reported that following the collapse of sections of guttering and canopy on the north east side of East Poultry Avenue at 11.50pm on Saturday 15 August 2020, Structural Engineers had inspected the remaining guttering and canopy and advised that this should be removed before East Poultry Avenue could be re-opened to pedestrians and vehicles.  De-construction had commenced  on 7th September and once completed, further investigation and surveys of the remaining roof structures and coverings in East Poultry Avenue would be undertaken along with an assessment of the gutters and canopies in West Poultry Avenue to identify whether any further remedial works were necessary.


In response to observations and questions from Members, Officers advised that scaffolding was being constructed to facilitate roof repairs over a period of approximately 13 months and that delivery times had been altered to minimise disruption.  The Deputy Chairman commended officers for their prompt action and concerns were also raised regarding the impact of road closures.  In response Officers stated that following discussions with the Highways Team, traffic signals had been re-phased to ease congestion and improve traffic flow until East Poultry re-opened on 21 September 2020.


Mr Lawrence highlighted the increase in congestion and stated that Smithfield Tenants felt that earlier action would have prevented the collapse of the gutters and canopy.  He stated that road closures had seriously impacted on Traders and questioned the rationale for not opening Giltspur Street temporarily.  He also stated that Smithfield Tenants did not feel supported and the closure of the main entrance gates for seven weeks was damaging businesses at what was already a very worrying time for Traders.


In response, Officers stated that opening Giltspur Street was not an option due to infrastructure issues.  However, it was anticipated that East Poultry would reopen on 21st September.