Report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk regarding the Outstanding Actions.
Changes/Access to Public Highways
A Member requested an update on progress against this work. The Interim Chief Planning Officer and Development Director reported that a report would be put to the Committee on this matter in June 2021.
Radiance Studies
A Member remarked that, at the 3 March 2021 meeting of this Committee, Officers undertook to bring forward a report on the use of radiance studies to assess any loss of light to today’s meeting. He reported that he had since received an email from Officers that had also been sent to the Chair on 12 April proposing that the report be postponed until 12 May meeting. He had responded to this email to highlight that no other matter had been on the Committee’s list of outstanding actions for 2 years and also commented on the very light agenda for this morning’s meeting. He stated that he had not received a response to his email to date and added that he did not consider that this report would take a long time to write or take the Committee a long time to consider.
The Member went on to note that no one had put forward an argument against the use of radiance studies but that Officers had stated, on more than one occasion, that the applicant had no legal obligation to produce such a study. However, he highlighted that an applicant had no legal obligation to produce anything once an application was filed, including a traditional BRE assessment.
The Member questioned whether Officers could now undertake that the radiance studies report would be brought to the 12 May meeting of this Committee and not be further postponed.
The Interim Chief Planning Officer and Development Director responded to assure the Committee that the report would be put to the next meeting of this Committee.
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