Agenda item

Results of the Sparrows Project

Report of the Superintendent (copy attached).


Members received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that summarised the findings of the Sparrows Project. The Sparrows Project, led by the RSPB, finished this year. The aims of the project were to elucidate whether changes in grassland management in parks could benefit wildlife as well as help reduce the decline in house sparrow numbers in London.


In response to a query form Susan Rose, the Heath Ecologist confirmed that the planting in the wildflower meadows had proven successful; however the meadow had not successfully attracted any sparrows.


Jeremy Wright advised that the Heath & Hampstead Society would support retaining the area as a wild flower meadow, and the creation of further meadows on the condition of the fencing being removed. The Heath Ecologist advised that, wherever possible, the fencing would be removed by the summer following sowing the meadow. Annual meadows would need to be fenced temporarily each year after they were re-sown.


In response to a query from Colin Gregory, the Heath Ecologist advised that it remained unclear as to why the sparrow population had receded both locally and nationally, although several theories had been put forward. It was hoped that this would be clarified by further research.



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