The Director of Community and Children’s Services to be heard.
Trustees heard an update of the Director of Academy Development (COL) on the waste management consultation at the City of London Primary Academy Islington and the following points were made:
· A webinar on planning conditions had taken place on 27 August 2020 which a number of stakeholders had attended, including local residents. A range of suggestions had been made to ameliorate waste management concerns, including the installation of retractable bollards; however, in the short term it was anticipated that the current planning conditions for the permanent site of the City of London Primary Academy Islington would go forward unchanged. The Director of Academy Development confirmed that planning conditions must be discharged before the permanent site could be brought into use.
· It was anticipated that build works on the City of London Primary Academy Islington would be completed in late May 2021, and that the school would transfer to its permanent site for the Summer 2021 term.
RESOLVED, that the update be noted.