Agenda item

Outstanding References

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner.


Members considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner regarding outstanding references and the following points were made.


30/2019/P – Cyber Griffin Evaluation


·         The Deputy Chief Executive noted that since the July 2020 meeting of the Board, the original unsuccessful funding bid had been reviewed and updated in light of work conducted in-house, and the refreshed bid would be submitted to the City’s Cyber Security Steering Group that week where, subject to endorsement, local funding would be used to carry out the proposed evaluation. There would be no need to approach the City’s Resource Allocation Sub-Committee. An update would be provided at the October 2020 meeting.


37/2019/P – Bishopsgate Exercise Yard


·         The Commissioner noted that an original assessment of required works of £100,000 had been reduced to £70,000 by the Capital Buildings Committee. Further work had demonstrated that the original assessment of £100,000 was definitely required. Once approval was secured to spend the additional £30,000, and provided that approval was provided imminently, it would be possible to deliver the works before Christmas.


·         The Lead Member for Safeguarding and Public Protection noted that this reference had been outstanding for some time and had arisen due to a red risk identified by an external inspection. The Member called for assurance that the £30,000 could be provided from the Force’s capital programme rather than reverting back to Capital Buildings Committee.


·         The Chairman invited the Deputy Chief Executive and Treasurer to resolve any extant governance issues that were delaying the project as soon as possible.


·         In response to a question, the Town Clerk and Chief Operating and Chief Financial Officer noted that the exercise yard project was subject to Capital Buildings Committee as it fell within the overall Police Accommodation Programme. The additional £30,000 funding could be met from the programme’s decant budget.


41/2019//P - Ethical Economic Partnerships


·         The Chairman noted that this report had been scheduled for the agenda that day, but he had agreed that it should instead be deferred until the October 2020 meeting. this deferral would allow more time to provide a more substantive paper that listed all partnerships, summarised their purpose, and what income they generated.


·         The Town Clerk agreed to ensure that the report was also submitted to the Board’s Professional Standards and Integrity Committee for consideration.


30/2020/P Special Interest Area Scheme


·         The Chairman noted that introductory meetings for SIA Members were being convened by the Authority and Force.


31/2020/P – City of London Police Authority Member Briefing - Protective Security


·         The Chairman noted that the invitation would be issued to the Court of Common Council that week and requested Board Members to encourage their Court colleagues to attend.


33/2020/P – City of London Police Reserve – Strength and Composition Specials


·         The Chairman noted that the report had been deferred to the October 2020 meeting due to staff annual leave.


34/2020/P – Road Ranger Reduction and Active Travel Plan


·         The Town Clerk agreed to ensure that the Lead Member for Road Safety was invited to the Performance and Resource Management Committee meeting at which the update on implementation of HMICFRS recommendations was considered.


PRM 2/2020/P – Reserves Policy


·         The Chairman briefed Members that a paper would come to the October 2020 Board that would consider Force finances and in-year spend, and provide an understanding of the Force’s position on its underspend and how that related to its recruitment and headcount. The paper would also provide proposals on how underspends were managed, and a potential acceleration of the Action Know Fraud loan.


RESOLVED, that the report be received.

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