Agenda item

Sports Forum minutes 2 October 2012

To receive the minutes of the Hampstead Heath Sport Advisory Forum meeting held on 2 October 2012 (copy attached).


Members received the public minutes of the meeting held on 2 October 2012. Bob Slowe advised that the Forum was working on a series of robust principles for the Superintendent to use as a standard for setting fees and charges in the future. Bob Slowe congratulated the team on the many sports and leisure achievements seen on the Heath over the summer. In response to a query from Michael Hammerson, Bob Slowe clarified that “peak” times referred to bank holidays and weekends.


Ian Harrison advised that he believed the Croquet Club would have difficulty in surviving on a long term basis unless a second lawn was obtained.


The Chairman thanked Bob Slowe and the Forum for the advice they had provided on pricing.




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