To approve the public minutes and summary of the Risk Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020.
The public minutes of the Risk Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020 were approved as a correct record.
Following discussions at the last meeting, a Member requested an update on the new follow-up approach to recommendations. The Head of Audit and Risk Management confirmed that a new report was being used across all portfolios which had been shared with the Chair and Deputy Chairman. The Town Clerk agreed to circulate this information with Members.
The Head of Audit and Risk Management provided a summary of the changes explaining that there had been a move from looking at individual risks when due to on an audit by audit basis. This new approach allowed for follow up and review on all recommendations as one collective view in an auditable area, with reporting back when complete. Members were informed that this allowed the Committee to properly scrutinise and challenge if necessary.
A Member highlighted that significant issues were raised at the last meeting and whilst priorities had changed since January due to Covid-19, it was important to have an update on all open issues, e.g. the new retail and bars system. The Head of Audit and Risk Management confirmed that there were currently 20 open recommendations and Officers had completed lots of work in the last few weeks. It was agreed an update on open recommendations would come to the next meeting.
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