Agenda item

Appointment of Sub-Committees and Working Parties, AGBIS Representative and Designated Roles

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding the appointment of Sub-Committees and Working Parties, Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools Representative and Governors’ Designated Roles for the 2020/21 academic year and the following points were made:


·         The potential for creating a new Governor Designated Role on Diversity and Inclusion was raised and would be revisited following the completion of the Race Equality Review.


·         Governors discussed whether a Governance Committee should be convened to ensure the Board had the necessary skills to support the future operation and development of the City of London School for Girls and this would be considered at the next meeting of the Board of Governors on 7 December 2020.




·         Nicholas Bensted-Smith be appointed the School’s representative to the Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools for the 2020/21 academic year;


·         Governor’s Designated Roles for the 2020/21 academic year be agreed as follows:


Randall Anderson


Sylvia Moys

Creative Arts

Deputy Richard Regan


Soha Gawaly


Peter Bennett

Health and Safety

Professor Anna Sapir Abulafia


Rehana Ameer


Emma Edhem

Modern Foreign Languages

Deputy Tom Hoffman


Elizabeth Phillips

Prep School

Mary Ireland


Dhruv Patel


Dr Stephanie Ellington

Sixth Form and Careers

Deputy Clare James


Mary Ireland

Teacher Recruitment

Alderman Prem Goyal



·         The terms of reference of the Committees and Working Party of the Board be approved, with the exception of the 125th Anniversary Working Party which was disbanded, and the terms of reference and composition of the Teachers’ Pay Panel be noted.


·         The following appointments be made to the Committees and Working Parties of the Board:


Bursary Committee

Nicholas Bensted-Smith (Chairman)

Randall Anderson

Peter Bennett

Shravan Joshi


            Finance and Estates Sub-Committee

Peter Bennett (Chairman)

Randall Anderson

Nicholas Bensted-Smith

Mark Bostock

Alderman Emma Edhem

Alderman Prem Goyal


Academic Working Party

Elizabeth Phillips (Chairman)

Nick Bensted-Smith

Alderman Emma Edhem

Dr Stephanie Ellington

Mary Ireland

Deputy Clare James


Senior Deputy Head (Staff)

Deputy Head (Academic)

Deputy Head (Pastoral)

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