Agenda item

Social Housing Tenancy Fraud - 2019/20 Annual Report

Report of the Head of Audit & Risk Management.




The Sub-Committee received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services on the Social Housing Tenancy Fraud – 2019/20 Annual Report.


The Sub-Committee was informed by the Head of Audit & Risk Management that the Department had managed 16 successful outcomes of tenancy fraud cases. When found that tenants were using their properties unlawfully, the Department works with the tenants  to hand over their properties back to the City of London without having to go through the court process, saving the City of London further money on the court cases, however where required a court action is initiated. 


A Member asked that as there are no evictions notices at present, whether this was open to abuse. The Department had managed to bring back six priorities from residents who were no longer eligible for social housing.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee noted the report.


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