Report of the Headmistress of the City of London School for Girls.
Governors considered a report of the Headmistress setting out the findings of a review of the School’s policy schedule and the following points were made:
· A new cycle had been developed to ensure that the School’s main policy documents were reviewed on an annual basis, with other policies and procedures reviewed every three years. It was proposed that a small number of existing policies that primarily dealt with guidance on how to implement other policies or contained general information be reclassified as procedures, protocols or guidance and be scheduled for review and sign-off by the Senior Management Team.
· In response to a question from a Governor, the Headmistress clarified that the Predicted Grades Policy referred to predicated grades for UCAS applications and was not related to the Centre Assessment Grade process which had been managed via robust internal protocols. The Governor queried whether the Lettings Policy should remain as part of the review cycle by the Board of Governors and the Compliance Manager would confirm whether this was a contractual policy or process following the meeting.
RESOLVED – That the updated schedule for Governor Policy Reviewing and Approving be approved.
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