Report of the City Surveyor.
The Committee considered a Gateway 2 – Project Proposal Report of the City Surveyor in respect of London Wall Car Park – Ventilation, Electrical, Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Works.
Members noted that the project would involve the installation of a new ventilation system, upgrading the power supply, the replacement of the current electrical installation (including the replacing of lighting to LED) and would also see the replacement of the sprinkler system, carbon monoxide and fire alarm system at the site. Officers clarified that the project was to address the main areas identified within a recent Fire Risk Assessment and compliance issues that have been raised and would complete works identified as being due within the Forward Maintenance Plan as well as future proofing the car park itself.
Members were informed that the structure of the car park was a highways structure and so funding was also being requested to instruct fire and structural consultants to review the design to ensure that it was compliant. Members were being asked to approve a sum of £240,000 to enable works including a detailed M&E survey, detailed design, upgrade of the electrical supply and to complete tender documents for the next Gateway. Finally, Members were asked to note that there was a current total estimated cost for the project of £1.1million excluding risk.
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1. Approve a budget of £240,000 be to carry out enabling works, including an upgrade of electrical supply and more detailed surveys to prepare the M&E design and tender documents to reach the next Gateway;
2. Note that the total estimated cost of the project is £1,155,000 (excluding risk);
3. Note that here is a Costed Risk of £260,000 (post-mitigation);
4. Note that the total estimated cost of the project is £1,415,000 (including risk); and
5. Note that an element of funding for this project was approved ‘in principal’ by the Resource Allocation Sub Committee, with draw down subject to further approval at the next Gateway.
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