Agenda item

Pan-London Children in Care Council

Report of the Strategic Director of Partnership for Young London.


Members received a report of the Strategic Director of Partnership for Young London with respect to the Pan-London Children in Care Council (CICC). It was reported that engagements were taking place virtually to allow young people to present views, which were used to develop an action plan.


Regarding the success of moving to virtual engagements, it was reported that this transition had worked well. Larger CICC meetings were divided into smaller sessions. Virtual meetings allowed the young people to meet with individuals that would have been more difficult to arrange had meetings been in-person, including the Deputy Mayor for Transport. The programme had a positive impact on the young people, demonstrating to them that where they could have an impact for change.


Members sough assurance that City Members were engaged with the programme, and it was reported that these Members were involved at varying stages of the virtual programme.


RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.

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